Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Transmission Cuts - 

The Miata has a long rail running down the center of it, to which the transmission bolts through these two big holes. But, on the Roadster, this mounting pad wants to exist in the middle of the X-member. So, it has to go. Even though it's aluminum, this was a whole lot of hacksawing.
You'll notice I did not saw where I drew my line. When I looked on the other side of the transmission, I noticed that my line would have me cutting into the sloping back face of the transmission. So, I followed the face, instead.
When I test fit after the previous cut, I found I still had clearance issues, so I pulled the tail housing and found I could cut much farther in without compromising it. This is the cut that followed. You'll see that I cut completely flush with the angled rib. The cut piece is sitting in place just to the right of the clamped 2x4.
The front passenger-side leg of the x-member goes through where this PPF mounting point is. So, it had to go. This cut goes to the same depth, in the horizontal plane of the transmission, as the previous cuts.
A little bit of rib had to go to clear the transmission tunnel.
At the moment, I'm pretty sure that this cut to the top rib of the transmission is not necessary. I did it to clear the Roadster tunnel brace when I was planning a mount that made the transmission sit much higher. The mount documented below allows plenty of clearance.

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